For Safe & Compliant Gas Fittings & Installations, Call Water Relief

0452 454 386


Repairs & Installations

Whether you’re ready to make the switch to gas, are requiring a repair for your current system of if you’d simple like some maintenance, Water Relief have you covered.

  • Gas leak detection

  • Installation

  • Maintenance & Servicing

  • Repairs

  • Replacements

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Right The First Time.

At Water Relief, we pride ourselves on our fast and RELIABLE service, getting it right the first time, every time. Our team will be glad to make appliance recommendations and will offer maintenance & safety guides after every job.

Installing any of the following? Let us take care of it quickly & affordably:

  • Ovens

  • Heaters

  • BBQ’s

  • Stovetops

  • & More!

What to do if you smell a gas leak…

  1. Locate and turn off the main gas supply

  2. Ventilate the area (open windows & doors if possible)

  3. Do not use heat producing appliances (oven, stove etc.)

  4. Avoid using any aerosols or introducing any flammable items

  5. Contact Water Relief on 0452 454 386

  6. Stay Safe!